"After nourishment, shelter & companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” - pHILLIP PULLMAN 

engaging resident stories

This is going to be one of the most exciting, compelling, and different components of OnlyKentlands.com.  Our vision is to create short little vignettes of long time Kentlands residents, who can capture in their own words why they love the community.  Every few weeks we'll high light someone new -- that way you get to know them, and they'll get to know their new neighbors too!

So far, we've begun the process of interviewing and will be releasing the first video vignettes shortly.

If you've lived (or worked) in the Kentlands for more than a decade, we'd LOVE the opportunity to interview you and to include you in an upcoming video story. Please contact us if you'd like to get involved.